Wednesday, October 12, 2011

When Revolution Comes

When revolution comes the establishment is never prepared. Usually they respond with violence to attempt to suppress the masses. This has happened in Iran, Syria, Libya, and now in the United States.

Since this is the largest democracy in the world, we are compelled to allow civil discourse to take hold. The politician are confused by this especially the Republicans.

Yes they embraced the Tea Party but only because it fit their constitutional agenda. But this grass root movement by occupy wall street is different, It stands for the 99 percent of Americans that are affected by the poor policies of government and big business alike.

The problem is that we bailed out the large corporations and allowed them to bounce back while we continue to plummet into a repressive situation when it comes to jobs in this country.

The Republicans continue to protect the rich and kill the middle class spirits while knowingly understanding the root of our pain.

Occupy America should be the battle cry in order to bring us back to the true values this country states it stands for. So when revolution come make sure you're ready.

No Escape