Sunday, February 16, 2020

7:31 AM

Morning dew have not dissipated in this cool air
Damn they are shooting out here at 7:31 am.
Isn’t this suppose to be Gods day?
I guess that God ain’t in them anyway?
While mommy and Granny kneels in the pews at the church of Ebernezer.
Their sons and grandson are out this morning busy squeezing.
I though today was Gods Day
I guess god is not in them anyway?
Sunday morning service should not make us nervous
And should not be the day that we plan a funeral service
Sundays are meant to be perfect, prayer focused, with no family hurting
But Damn they out here shooting at 7:31am
May their mental and heart be pierced with the spirit of the creator
So they can do away with their hatred, drop their guns and drop down in prayer.

Osayimwese Nadir Karume

Thanks for the inspiration